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6.) Installing Bitwarden

- create docker-compose.yml

- paste in:

version: '3'

image: bitwardenrs/server
restart: always
- 6500:80
- ./bw-data:/data
WEBSOCKET_ENABLED: 'true' # Required to use websockets
SIGNUPS_ALLOWED: 'true' # set to false to disable signups

- paste in

docker-compose up -d

- creat your host for Bitwarden in Nginx if you want access to it over the internet; the port is 6500

- type in your browser your Bitwarden url

- create your account

- if you open your Bitwarden to the internet, everyone can create an account on your system!!

closing your Bitwarden for new users:

- there are two ways, one fast and one which gives you also access to the admin web page (which allows more settings to set up)


- when all users you want to add are created on Bitwarden, go to portainer and duplicate the Bitwarden container

- change at ENV  "SIGNUPS_ALLOWED = true"  into "SIGNUPS_ALLOWED =false"     

 # the button will still be there on the bitwarden-website, but an arror accours when trying to create a new user


- in order to get the Bitwarden admin web page:

- generate a token:

-type in your console:

openssl rand -base64 64

- copy the generated token

- got to your portainer web console

- duplicate the Bitwarden container:

- add a ENV:

ADMIN_TOKEN = "paste_in_the_token_from_above"

- deploy the container

- you can access the admin page via https://your-bitwarden-url/admin

- under general setting type in your Bitwarden-url and save it

- now you can make the changes you want, disallow new signups etc.

- tip: if you set up the smtp email settings you can now invite new users via email