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Docker Nextcloud Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Sever Unraid

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

A guide how to install a Nextcloupi image on a Raspberry Pi 4. The boot volume will be a hard drive. In order to host our own Bitwarden Password Manager beside Nextcloud we will install Docker, Portainer and Nginx. What we need: - Raspberry Pi (i prefer a ...

Welcome to Jan's Guides

Here you can find books i made for myself and for my friends, which i help when they ask me for computer guidance.



Dynaframe Pro

Additional Steps

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4


Dynaframe Pro

1.) Installing Nextcloudpi

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

- get the NCP Image here: - for Windows: donwload and install belanaEtcher - in settings: activate "Unsafe mode", so it also detects y...

2.) Changing ports

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

In order to get the port 80 and 443 free for Nginx later, we need to change the port of the Nextcloud apache server. - open an ssh terminal of your joice (like putty for Windows) and connect to the pi via ssh - type in: sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf   ...

3.) Installing Docker

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

- connect via ssh to your pi - type in: sudo apt update - type in: sudo apt upgrade - type in: curl -sSL | sh - type in: sudo usermod -aG docker pi - type in: sudo apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev - type in: sudo apt-...

4.) Installing Portainer

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

- connect via ssh to your pi - type in: sudo docker pull portainer/portainer-ce - type in: sudo docker run --restart always -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /media/dockerdata/portainer:/data portainer/portainer-ce - now we a...

5.) Installing Nginx

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

- connect via ssh to your pi - we create now a directory for nginx, a config.json file and a docker-compose.yml - go to your dockerdata directory; here it ist /media/dockerdata - type in: cd /media/dockerdata -type in: sudo mkdir - type in: cd nginx -...

6.) Installing Bitwarden

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

- create docker-compose.yml - paste in: version: '3'services: bitwarden: image: bitwardenrs/server restart: always ports: - 6500:80 volumes: - ./bw-data:/data environment: WEBSOCKET_ENABLED: 'true' # Required to use websockets ...

7.) Backup

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4

Nextcloud Backup - I use the backup from the nexcloudpi panel (https://ip-to-your-pi:4443) to make a full backup of my nextcloud, because it is so        easy and it is even more easy when it must be restored. - Destination Directory : a valid path on your...


Welcome to Jan's Guides

Jan Borghoff Josefstr. 19 45772 Marl   Email:


Welcome to Jan's Guides

Jan's Guides Here you can find books i made for myself and for my friends, which i help when they ask me for computer guidance. to the guides Impressum

Secure the server

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4 Additional Steps

To make the server more secure we will 1. change the default ssh port and 2. we change from password authentication to key files.    1. The default ssh port is 22. We change this to a random port: here we take the port 4200.   - connect to your server u...


Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4 Additional Steps

Fail2Ban is an intrusion prevention software framework that protects computer servers from brute-force attacks.  More on    

UFW - Uncomplicated Firewall

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4 Additional Steps

More here

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4 Additional Steps    

Error "/.well-known/caldav" etc

Nextcloud Home Server on Raspberry Pi 4 Additional Steps

- go to your Nginx Proxy Manager web page. - for your Nextcloud Einfach bei NPM zu den ProxyHosts -> bei der passenden Domain auf "Edit" und in dem neuen Fenster auf "Advanced" und die Werte eintragen: location /.well-known/carddav {return 301 $scheme://$h...

Add Folder


- name: creates multiple directories in one task  ansible.builtin.file:    path: "{{ item }}"    state: directory  loop:    - /srv/www    - /dir/foo    - /dir/bar

Display on/off - shutdown (deutsch)

Dynaframe Pro Buttons Von dieser Github Seite wird der Code verwendet, mit dessen Hilfe das HDMI-Sginal des Pi's ab- und angeschaltet werden kann, sowei bei langen Drücken der Pi herunter fährt...

Display on/off - shutdown (englisch)

Dynaframe Pro Buttons From this Github page the code is used, with the help of which the HDMI signal of the Pi can be switched off and on, as well as the Pi shuts down during long presses. Aft...